Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mac and Cheese Mayhem [Trust Me Tuesday]

[Trust Me Tuesday] I'll share a little blurp from my life so, that you lovely people, can learn from my mistakes. That is, if you trust me.

So, my mom went grocery shopping and she bought me Easy Mac, the character version, because she loves me. And character mac-n-cheese is my favorite. It was the Monsters Inc. kind.

Naturally, I wanted to take it with me to work for lunch, because I knew it would be delicious. So, I did. And all day, I was very excited about getting to eat these little monsters covered in delicious, fake, powdered cheese.

11:30 rolls around, I clock out and head straight for the deliciousness that is my lunch. There was a line for the microwaves and I was unwilling to wait to devour my mac-n-cheese. A brilliant idea was born in my mind.... "Just use the hot water from the water dispenser, like when you brought cup of noodles for lunch!!" I thought.

I speed walked (proper past tense?) toward said water dispenser and filled my cup, precisely to the line, with piping, hot water. I carefully carried my precious treasure back to the break area, and left it on the table for 3 minutes to let Mike and Sully cook to perfection.

3 long minutes went by and I poured in my cheese powder and mixed. The package said that it would take a minute for it to thicken, so I stirred some more.

I finished stirring and this is what I was left with?

Mac-n-cheese Soup.

I'm sure you can imagine my heartbreak. Just think about something you've wanted really bad. And just when it was within your reach, someone snatched it away and gave you some unfortunate, ruined version of it. That about sums up how I felt.

I tried eating it. But, it just tasted like what I would think eating noodles out of the pot without draining them first would be like.

My coworkers discussed ways I could make it better, and insisted I microwave it to allow the excess water to evaporate. This went on for about 10 minutes, when I finally caved and let them nuke it for a couple minutes.

You see, I was hesitant to allow them to do this because I knew that the noodles would turn to mush if they were cooked any longer.

And I was right.

My precious, little monsters had completely decomposed and I was left with a yellow/orange-ish, giant, booger-esk mess.

After both Kelsey and Allana had tasted it, I decided I would give it a shot.

Lets just go with.. I wish I hadn't.

So, trust me, follow the package instructions when cooking your Easy-Mac Character Mac-n-Cheese. Use the microwave. Your life will be better because of it.

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