Saturday, October 12, 2013

Guess who's back, back again.

Brittany's back, tell a friend! 

Time to welcome me back blogging world! Hopefully, this time I'll stick around longer than I have in times past. I have a bad habit of starting a blog, only to post a few times and never return. So, here is to turning over a new leaf and sharing my hilarious life with all of you wonderful people (and by people I am probably just referring to my cousin, Hailey, because she'll likely be the only one reading this). 

This is me.

Brittany Nicole Cox, scientist and photographer. Air Force blood runs thick in my veins. I would call myself a total crack up. Stubborn, spontaneous and silly. 

Here is my life story in the world's tiniest nutshell. 

Born and raised moving all over the continental US, loved it! Graduated from high school, went up to college at BYU-I studying microbiology and photography, graduated. Worked full time as a microbiologist (almost two years) until leaving to serve as a full-time missionary in the Philippines. Currently working at a warehouse, literally peeling stickers off of old DVDs and putting new stickers onto the same DVDs. 

My life is kind of funny that way. A question you may be asking, one that I ask myself nearly every day I show up for work, WHAT IN THE HECK IS A COLLEGE GRADUATE DOING AT A DVD WAREHOUSE?! I did not put all that blood, sweat and tears into my school work to end up staring at creepy Halloween DVDs all day. Well, lemme tell you, when I was in the Philippines, my insides decided they wanted to become my outsides and I was eaten away by some bacteria. (Ironic, isn't it, that the microbiologist's doom was a bacteria?)  I was medically released and ended up back under my parent's roof. (There are a few perks to that, I suppose.) Anyway, since I quit my job to leave, I didn't have one to come back to and am stuck dealing with DVDs all day, ere'day. (In all honesty, I am glad to have any job but I am also glad that hopefully this job is fairly temporary.)

And so, here, on my little piece of webspace, I will share with the world the funny happenings of my ever increasingly hilarious life. I am hoping that someone, somewhere (again, probably Hailey) gets a kick out of this, because I sure think it's funny!