Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The DVD Whisperer

Today, at work, I was preparing to send out an order of "Ultimate Trucker" DVDs. 

Background information: When we are preparing to send out DVDs, we have to screen them to make sure all the stickers are right, that the wrapping is right and that the DVDs aren't loose inside of their cases. 

I did my standard "look at front, flip, look at back, shake" to check for stickers, wrapping and loose DVDs and kept getting DVD after DVD that was loose inside of its case. Typically, when a DVD is loose this results in us having to unwrap the DVD, fix it, and run it through the re-wrap machine. Its a Wednesday; I didn't want to have to go through all of that to fix these DVDs. 

You know those snow globe-esk games you play? With the golf ball and the tee? And you have to flip the globe just right to land the ball on top? Well, imagine doing that, but with a DVD inside of its case. 

This is how it is done. 

Step 1: Lightly shake DVD 
Step 2: Press down in center of case to see if you have aligned it properly 
Step 3: Celebrate, or Repeat Steps 1-2 

Long story short, in a matter of minutes I had returned 7 DVDs to their proper holding spaces inside of their respective cases. (It really is a lot cooler than it sounds.) One of my coworkers was watching me and she was really impressed with my DVD fixing abilities. She'd been working there for seven years and had never seen anyone do that before! (I'm pretty sure most people just aren't as determined as me to try and take the easy way out.) 

So, now I am lovingly referred to as... The DVD Whisperer

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